
If you have reached this page, you have come across the call sign KC3AFB.  Possibly you have made a contact with us through the Jamboree on the Air/Internet, or during one of our Radio Merit Badge courses.  Maybe you have seen one of our High Altitude Radio Balloons, or just looked us up on QRZ.com.  In any case, welcome!

KC3AFB is the club call sign used by volunteer amateur radio operators working on radio related activities with the youth in the Moraine Trails Council of the BSA, located in Butler, PA, USA.

As we develope our web presence, we will add links and additional information to this page, but in the meantime, if you have a request for a QSL card, or want any information about our activities, you can send an email to KC3afb@KC3AFB.com

73, and Yours in Scouting,

The Folks at KC3AFB